Ben AxelrodSchool Robotics Projects
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I have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Syracuse University, and a master's degree in computer science from Georgia Tech. Here are some of my interesting robotics-related school projects.

Master's Project

Heavy Metal Team

Georgia Tech's entry in the 2007 RoboCup Rescue competition was my master's project. At 300 pounds, it was the largest competitor by far. Unfortunately, the size of the robot and low ground clearance prevented the robot from exploring much of the arena. I designed and machined almost the entire robot myself. I also did quite a bit of systems integration. Our goal was to have better video throughput by using 3 orthogonal radio frequencies. See paper: (RCom) Reliable Communications for Teleoperated Rescue Robots.

Mobile Manipulator

Kuka + Segway

The goal for this project was to get this Kuka arm on a Segway RMP to serve coffee. My team chose to use Microsoft Robotics Studio for our software framework. I was responsible for the overall architecture of services. See paper: Mobile Manipulation - A Challenge in Integration.



Me in front of boxes of Scribbler robots for the IPRE project. I was the IPRE Research Fellow in 2006.

Senior Design Robot

Spider robot

I was the team leader of my mechanical engineering senior design project in which we built an eight legged hobby-servo driven robot. See report: Interdisciplinary Spider Robot Project.